About me

I am a PhD student in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity (MERC) at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples, Italy. I am advised by Francesco Bullo and Giovanni Russo. My research primarily focuses on the modelling and analysis of biologically inspired Neural Networks.

In 2019, I graduated in Mathematics at the University of Catania, with a thesis entitled “Variational Equilibrium, Lagrangian Theory, and Applications to Network Models”.

In 2020, I held an annual scholarship at the Italian National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) in Catania on the topic “Mathematical models for volcanic hazard monitoring and decision-making methods for risk mitigation and uncertainty quantification”.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing guitar, soccer, exploring new places… and eating pizza!


  • 2024 April: The final version of your article “Modelling and Contractivity of Neural-Synaptic Networks with Hebbian Learning”, that will appear soon in Automatica, is now available online! → URL.